Designing the most transformative and memorable learning experiences in the world

High Resolves Learning designs engaging and immersive learning experiences, built on learning science and powered by cutting-edge technology that challenge, inspire and motivate to make the world better.

We believe in learning experiences that are transformative – where we are challenged to see things differently or learn something new; where we are fuelled by inspiration and hope; and we are motivated to act in ways we may not have before.

Our learning engineers design and curate the resources for our platforms and for a range of organizations, including universities, non-profits and foundations.

Peak Experience

High Resolves Learning also designs transformative facilitated learning experiences. In partnership with the Paul Ramsay Foundation, the High Resolves Learning Peak Experience brings high school students onto university campuses to participate in an interactive workshop. The program allows students to experience life on-campus first-hand, opening their eyes to university as a potential future pathway. Through the activities, students build confidence, motivation and skills to make a positive difference to their community.

We have released two in-person Peak Experiences

  • Collective Action & Social Progress

  • Information & Independent Thinking

Collective Action & Social Progress with high school learners at the University of Technology, Sydney

Our Offerings




Architecture of Assessment